[Python] Effective Python CH 2. 리스트와 딕셔너리 - 1
06/20/2022 ↪Language ↪Python
CH 2. 리스트와 딕셔너리 - 1
06/20/2022 ↪Language ↪Python
CH 2. 리스트와 딕셔너리 - 1
06/19/2022 ↪Language ↪Python
CH 1. 파이썬답게 생각하기 - 2
06/19/2022 ↪Language ↪Python
CH 1. 파이썬답게 생각하기 - 1
06/18/2022 ↪Language ↪Python
06/16/2022 ↪Math ↪DivideConquer
☑정수론 ☑거듭제곱 ☑모듈로 곱셈 역원 ☑페르마의 소정리
문제 설명
06/10/2022 ↪DynamicProgramming
문제 설명
06/09/2022 ↪Stack
문제 설명
06/08/2022 ↪DynamicProgramming
문제 설명
06/07/2022 ↪Implementation ↪Recursive
문제 설명
06/06/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
06/02/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
05/30/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
05/30/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
05/30/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
05/27/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
05/26/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
05/25/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
05/25/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
☑Event Handler ☑API Router ☑Error Handling ☑Background Task
05/24/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
☑Fast API ☑Pydantic
05/23/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
05/23/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
☑Rest API ☑Fast API
05/19/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
05/18/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
05/18/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
05/17/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
05/16/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
05/16/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
05/15/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
05/14/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
05/13/2022 ↪AI ↪AI-Papers
05/13/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
05/08/2022 ↪Math
문제 설명
05/08/2022 ↪DynamicProgramming
문제 설명
05/08/2022 ↪Graph ↪ShortestPath
문제 설명
05/04/2022 ↪AI ↪AI-Papers
05/02/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
05/01/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
04/27/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
☑U-Net ☑U-Net++ ☑U-Net 3+
04/26/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
☑DeepLabv2 ☑PSPNet ☑DeepLabv3 ☑DeepLabv3+
04/26/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
☑DeconvNet ☑SegNet ☑FC DenseNet ☑UNet ☑DeepLab v1 ☑DilatedNet
04/25/2022 ↪AI ↪AI-Papers
04/25/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
04/25/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
☑COCO dataset ☑EDA ☑metric
04/23/2022 ↪Stack
문제 설명
04/23/2022 ↪DFSBFS
문제 설명
04/22/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
04/19/2022 ↪AI ↪AI-Papers
04/18/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
☑Synthetic Data ☑Data Augmentation ☑Multi-scale training
04/18/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
☑DBNet ☑MOST ☑TextFuseNet
04/14/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
04/14/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
04/13/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
☑데이터 수집 방법 ☑OCR 데이터셋 ☑UFO format
04/13/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
04/12/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
☑Regression/Segmentation ☑Character/Word ☑EAST model
04/12/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
04/11/2022 ↪AI ↪AI-Papers
04/11/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
04/08/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
04/08/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
04/07/2022 ↪Graph ↪Tree ↪UnionFind
☑Minimum Spanning Tree
문제 설명
04/06/2022 ↪Graph ↪Tree ↪UnionFind
☑union ☑find
‘유니온 파인드’에 대해 새로운 부분을 발견할 때마다 업데이트합니다.
04/06/2022 ↪Graph ↪Tree ↪UnionFind
☑ST/MST ☑Prim ☑Kruskal
‘최소 신장 트리’에 대해 새로운 부분을 발견할 때마다 업데이트합니다.
04/06/2022 ↪Graph ↪Tree
☑Spanning Tree
문제 설명
04/06/2022 ↪Graph ↪DFSBFS
문제 설명
04/06/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
04/05/2022 ↪Graph ↪ShortestPath
문제 설명
04/04/2022 ↪HCI ↪HCI-Papers
04/04/2022 ↪Graph ↪ShortestPath
문제 설명
04/04/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
☑COCO ☑EDA ☑Library ☑Loss
04/03/2022 ↪KPT
04/03/2022 ↪Graph ↪Tree ↪DFSBFS
문제 설명
04/01/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
☑mAP ☑Pipeline ☑Validation ☑Augmentation ☑Ensemble&TTA ☑Kaggle
03/31/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
☑YOLOv4 ☑M2Det ☑CornerNet
03/30/2022 ↪HCI ↪HCI-Papers
03/30/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
☑Cascade RCNN ☑Deformable Convolution ☑DETR ☑Swin Transformer'
03/29/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech ↪PyTorch
03/25/2022 ↪HCI ↪HCI-Papers
03/25/2022 ↪Graph ↪ShortestPath
문제 설명
03/24/2022 ↪Graph ↪Tree ↪DFSBFS
문제 설명
03/24/2022 ↪Implementation ↪Graph ↪Queue
문제 설명
03/23/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
03/23/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
☑YOLO ☑SSD ☑RetinaNet
03/22/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
03/21/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
03/20/2022 ↪Graph ↪DFSBFS ↪ShortestPath
‘그래프 탐색’에 대해 새로운 부분을 발견할 때마다 업데이트합니다.
03/20/2022 ↪Implementation ↪DFSBFS
문제 설명
03/19/2022 ↪DynamicProgramming
문제 설명
03/18/2022 ↪HCI ↪UX
03/18/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
03/17/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
03/16/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
03/15/2022 ↪HCI ↪UX
03/15/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
03/15/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
03/14/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
03/12/2022 ↪Implementation ↪Bruteforce ↪Backtracking ↪Graph ↪DFSBFS
문제 설명
03/11/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
03/10/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
03/10/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
☑Word2Vec ☑GloVe
03/09/2022 ↪Implementation ↪BitMasking
문제 설명
03/08/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
☑Filter ☑Saliency Map ☑Activation Map ☑Backpropagate features ☑Grad-CAM
03/08/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
☑Single-stage detector ☑Two-stage detector ☑Focal loss ☑RetinaNet ☑DETR
03/08/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
03/07/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
☑FCN ☑U-Net ☑DeepLab
03/07/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
☑CNN Architectures ☑Data Efficient Learning ☑ResNet34 구현
03/06/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
☑Image Classification
03/06/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
☑Image Classification
03/05/2022 ↪HCI ↪UX
03/05/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
☑Image Classification
03/05/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
☑Image Classification
03/04/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
☑Image Classification
03/03/2022 ↪HCI ↪UX
03/03/2022 ↪Algorithm ↪Graph ↪DFSBFS
☑방향 그래프
문제 설명
03/02/2022 ↪Algorithm ↪DynamicProgramming ↪Bruteforce ↪Math
문제 설명
03/02/2022 ↪Algorithm ↪DFSBFS
문제 설명
03/01/2022 ↪KPT
03/01/2022 ↪HCI ↪UX
03/01/2022 ↪HCI ↪UX
03/01/2022 ↪Algorithm ↪DynamicProgramming
문제 설명
03/01/2022 ↪Algorithm ↪DFSBFS
문제 설명
02/28/2022 ↪KPT
02/28/2022 ↪Algorithm ↪Heap
문제 설명
02/27/2022 ↪Algorithm ↪Math
☑중국인의 나머지 정리
문제 설명
02/26/2022 ↪Algorithm ↪Implementation ↪String
문제 설명
02/26/2022 ↪Algorithm ↪Bruteforce ↪HashMap
문제 설명
02/24/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
02/24/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech ↪ImageClassification
02/23/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
02/23/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech ↪ImageClassification
02/23/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech ↪ImageClassification
☑PyTorch ☑Transfer Learning
02/22/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
02/22/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech ↪ImageClassification
02/22/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech ↪ImageClassification
02/21/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
02/21/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech ↪ImageClassification
☑EDA ☑Image Classification
02/20/2022 ↪HCI ↪UX
02/20/2022 ↪Algorithm ↪Graph ↪DFSBFS ↪ShortestPath
☑Floyd Warshall
문제 설명
02/19/2022 ↪Algorithm ↪HashMap
☑IO Stream
문제 설명
02/18/2022 ↪HCI ↪UX
02/18/2022 ↪Algorithm ↪Bruteforce
문제 설명
02/18/2022 ↪Algorithm ↪DivideConquer
문제 설명
02/18/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
☑마스터클래스 ☑인생의 방향성 ☑3월부터 도전-회고!!!
02/18/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech ↪Visualization
☑Color ☑Facet ☑Visualization References
02/17/2022 ↪HCI ↪UX
02/17/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
☑Cloud System ☑Career Developing
02/17/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech ↪MLOps
02/16/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
02/16/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech ↪MLOps
02/15/2022 ↪HCI ↪UX
02/15/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
02/15/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech ↪MLOps
02/15/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech ↪MLOps
02/14/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
02/14/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech ↪MLOps
02/14/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech ↪MLOps
02/14/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech ↪Visualization
02/13/2022 ↪Algorithm ↪Heap ↪Sorting
02/13/2022 ↪Algorithm ↪Backtracking
02/11/2022 ↪HCI ↪UX
02/11/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
☑마스터 클래스
02/11/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
☑missingNo ☑squarify ☑pyWaffle ☑matplotlib_venn
02/11/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
☑Polar Coordination ☑Radar Chart
02/11/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
☑Pie Chart
02/10/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
02/10/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
02/10/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
02/09/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
02/09/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
02/09/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
☑Explicit/Implicit Model ☑Probability Distribution ☑Conditional Independence ☑auto-regressive model
02/09/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
02/08/2022 ↪HCI ↪UX
02/08/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
02/08/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
02/08/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
☑AlexNet ☑VGGNet ☑GoogLeNet ☑ResNet ☑DenseNet
02/08/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
02/08/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
☑SementicSegmentation ☑ObjectDetection
02/07/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
02/07/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
☑Concepts ☑Optimizers ☑Regularization
02/07/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
☑Neural Network ☑MLP ☑Code
02/04/2022 ↪Algorithm ↪Greedy ↪Sorting
02/04/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
02/04/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
☑Count/Box/Violin plot ☑Hist/Kde/Ecdf/Rug plot ☑Scatter/Line/Reg plot ☑Heap map
02/04/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
☑Joint plot ☑Pair plot ☑Facet grid
02/04/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
02/04/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
☑Grid ☑Line&Span ☑Settings
02/04/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
02/04/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
02/03/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
02/03/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
02/03/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
02/03/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
02/03/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
02/03/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
02/02/2022 ↪Algorithm ↪SequentialSearch ↪DynamicProgramming
01/31/2022 ↪Algorithm ↪Tree ↪Graph ↪DFSBFS
01/30/2022 ↪Algorithm ↪Bruteforce ↪DFSBFS ↪UnionFind
01/28/2022 ↪Algorithm ↪DFSBFS ↪ShortestPath
01/28/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
☑마스터클래스 ☑Data Centric AI
01/28/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
01/28/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
☑Out of Memory
01/28/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
☑Model Parallel ☑Data Parallel
01/28/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
01/27/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
01/27/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
☑파이토치 ☑Save ☑Checkpoint ☑TransferLearning
01/27/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
☑TensorBoard ☑Weight&Biases
01/26/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
01/26/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
☑파이토치 ☑실습 ☑BasicOperations ☑nn.Module
01/26/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
☑파이토치 ☑실습 ☑Dataset ☑DataLoader
01/25/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
01/25/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
01/25/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
01/24/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
01/24/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
☑Pytorch Template
01/24/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
☑Introduction ☑Tensor ☑AutoGrad
01/23/2022 ↪Algorithm ↪ShortestPath
01/22/2022 ↪Algorithm ↪Bruteforce ↪BFSDFS
01/21/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
01/21/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
01/21/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
01/20/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
01/20/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
☑확률분포 ☑조건부확률 ☑몬테카를로샘플링
01/20/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
☑모수 ☑최대가능도 ☑조건부확률 ☑인과관계
01/20/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
01/19/2022 ↪Language ↪Python
01/19/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
01/19/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
☑Vector ☑Matrix
01/19/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
01/19/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
01/18/2022 ↪Language ↪Python
파이써닉 코딩
01/18/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
☑split ☑list comprehension - if/else
01/18/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
☑split&join ☑list comprehension ☑enumerate&zip ☑lambda&map&reduce ☑generator ☑asterisk
01/18/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
☑Charateristics ☑Decoration
01/18/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
01/18/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
01/18/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
01/18/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
01/17/2022 ↪Algorithm ↪DynamicProgramming
01/17/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
01/17/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
01/16/2022 ↪Algorithm ↪Bruteforce
01/15/2022 ↪Algorithm ↪Implementation ↪Math
01/15/2022 ↪Algorithm ↪Heap
01/15/2022 ↪AI ↪AITech
01/14/2022 ↪Algorithm ↪Implementation ↪Math
01/13/2022 ↪Algorithm ↪Implementation
01/13/2022 ↪Algorithm ↪Backtracking
01/05/2022 ↪AI ↪ComputerVision ↪AI-Papers
12/22/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪DFSBFS
12/21/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪DFSBFS ↪DynamicProgramming
12/20/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Graph ↪DFSBFS ↪UnionFind ↪Greedy
12/19/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Heap
12/18/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪HashMap
12/16/2021 ↪Language ↪Python
☑집합 ☑set
집합 자료형은 어떻게 만들까?
12/12/2021 ↪AI ↪DeepLearning
12/06/2021 ↪AI ↪DeepLearning
Variational autoencoder (VAE) - Generative model
12/06/2021 ↪AI ↪DeepLearning
Unconditional GAN with fashion-MNIST
12/04/2021 ↪AI ↪DeepLearning
☑형태소분석 ☑품사태깅 ☑구문분석 ☑의미분석 ☑Word2Vec ☑CBOW ☑Skipgram
12/01/2021 ↪AI ↪DeepLearning
☑Denosing ☑FeatureReduction
MLP AutoEncoder
11/29/2021 ↪AI ↪DeepLearning
☑Word2Vec ☑Glove
Word Embedding
11/29/2021 ↪AI ↪DeepLearning
Word Embedding with Keras Embedding Layer
11/29/2021 ↪AI ↪DeepLearning
Naver Movie Sentiment Analysis
11/29/2021 ↪AI ↪DeepLearning
Convolutional Neural Nets (CNN)
11/26/2021 ↪Android
11/24/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪TwoPointer
11/24/2021 ↪AI ↪TensorflowKeras
텐서플로우 소개
11/23/2021 ↪Mathematics ↪NumericalAnalysis
11/23/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Bruteforce ↪Implementation
11/23/2021 ↪AI ↪TensorflowKeras
11/23/2021 ↪AI ↪TensorflowKeras
☑keras ☑callback
Callback - check point and early stopping
11/23/2021 ↪AI ↪DeepLearning
☑Classification ☑DataAugmentation ☑Dropout
11/23/2021 ↪AI ↪DeepLearning
☑Classification ☑TransferLearning ☑Filter ☑FeatureMap
Classification using Transfer learning
11/21/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Bruteforce
11/20/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Tree
11/19/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Bruteforce ↪HashMap
11/18/2021 ↪Mathematics ↪NumericalAnalysis
11/17/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Graph ↪Bruteforce
11/17/2021 ↪AI ↪TensorflowKeras
☑MNIST ☑Tensorflow
MNIST with RandomForest
11/17/2021 ↪AI ↪TensorflowKeras
☑MNIST ☑Keras
Keras with MNIST dataset
11/17/2021 ↪AI ↪DeepLearning
☑최적화 ☑대표적인분류기 ☑전이학습
11/16/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Bruteforce ↪Implementation
11/16/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪BinarySearch
문제 설명
11/15/2021 ↪Android
11/15/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪BinarySearch
문제 설명
11/15/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪BinarySearch
문제 설명
11/14/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪DFSBFS
11/13/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪DynamicProgramming
11/13/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Heap
11/13/2021 ↪AI ↪DeepLearning
☑컨볼루션 ☑풀링 ☑구조
11/10/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪BinarySearch
11/10/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Graph ↪ShortestPath
☑Dijkstra ☑BellmanFord ☑FloydWarshall
11/10/2021 ↪AI ↪DeepLearning
☑기울기소멸 ☑가중치초기화 ☑과적합문제
11/09/2021 ↪Mathematics ↪NumericalAnalysis
☑Eigenvalue ☑Eigenvector
11/09/2021 ↪Android
11/09/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪DivideConquer ↪Stack ↪SequentialSearch
문제 설명
11/09/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪DivideConquer
문제 설명
11/08/2021 ↪AI ↪TensorflowKeras
11/08/2021 ↪AI ↪TensorflowKeras
11/08/2021 ↪AI ↪TensorflowKeras
11/08/2021 ↪AI ↪TensorflowKeras
11/08/2021 ↪AI ↪MachineLearning
☑NeuralNetwork ☑Perceptron ☑RBF
11/03/2021 ↪Mathematics ↪NumericalAnalysis
☑Eigenvalue ☑Eigenvector
11/03/2021 ↪AI ↪MachineLearning
☑Agglomerative ☑Divisive ☑KMeans ☑NaiveBayesianClassifier
11/01/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Math
문제 설명
11/01/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪DivideConquer
문제 설명
11/01/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Math ↪DivideConquer
문제 설명
11/01/2021 ↪AI ↪MachineLearning
☑SelectPercentile ☑PCA' ☑t-SNE
10/31/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪DivideConquer
☑Fermat Theorem
문제 설명
10/30/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪DivideConquer
문제 설명
10/30/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪DivideConquer
문제 설명
10/29/2021 ↪AI ↪MachineLearning
10/27/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪DivideConquer
문제 설명
10/27/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪DivideConquer
문제 설명
10/27/2021 ↪AI ↪MachineLearning
☑UnsupervisedLearning ☑Clustering ☑DimensionReduction
10/27/2021 ↪AI ↪MachineLearning
☑Agglomerative ☑K-Means ☑DBSCAN
10/23/2021 ↪AI ↪MachineLearning
10/22/2021 ↪AI ↪MachineLearning
10/18/2021 ↪AI ↪MachineLearning
10/18/2021 ↪AI ↪MachineLearning
10/17/2021 ↪AI
10/14/2021 ↪Mathematics ↪NumericalAnalysis
10/13/2021 ↪Mathematics ↪NumericalAnalysis
10/13/2021 ↪AI ↪MachineLearning
☑SupervisedLearning ☑Classification ☑Regression
10/13/2021 ↪AI ↪MachineLearning
10/13/2021 ↪AI ↪MachineLearning
10/13/2021 ↪AI ↪MachineLearning
Decision Tree Classifier
10/12/2021 ↪AI ↪MachineLearning
10/09/2021 ↪AI ↪KnowledgeExpression
10/08/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Queue
문제 설명
10/08/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Stack
문제 설명
10/08/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Queue
문제 설명
10/08/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Stack
문제 설명
10/08/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Stack ↪SequentialSearch
문제 설명
10/08/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Queue
문제 설명
10/07/2021 ↪Mathematics ↪NumericalAnalysis
10/06/2021 ↪TFLite ↪Android
10/06/2021 ↪AI ↪KnowledgeExpression
10/04/2021 ↪AI ↪MachineLearning
10/04/2021 ↪AI ↪KnowledgeExpression
10/02/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪DynamicProgramming
10/01/2021 ↪Mathematics ↪NumericalAnalysis
10/01/2021 ↪Mathematics ↪NumericalAnalysis
☑LinearRegression ☑LeastSquare
09/29/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Implementation ↪Bruteforce
09/29/2021 ↪AI ↪MachineLearning
☑Regression ☑Classification ☑Metrics
09/29/2021 ↪AI ↪MachineLearning
☑Classification ☑Metrics
09/28/2021 ↪Mathematics ↪NumericalAnalysis
☑GaussianElimination ☑LUDecomposition
09/28/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪HashMap
09/27/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪SequentialSearch ↪Stack
09/27/2021 ↪AI ↪MachineLearning
Multi-class Classification
09/27/2021 ↪AI ↪MachineLearning
Example 1: Binary Classification
09/26/2021 ↪AI ↪KnowledgeExpression
09/25/2021 ↪Mathematics ↪NumericalAnalysis
09/25/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Math
09/25/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Implementation
☑경우의 수
문제 설명
09/25/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Math
문제 설명
09/23/2021 ↪AI ↪MachineLearning
☑Regression ☑Regularization
09/23/2021 ↪AI ↪KnowledgeExpression
09/23/2021 ↪AI ↪KnowledgeExpression
09/22/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Implementation ↪Math
☑GCD ☑Divisor
문제 설명
09/22/2021 ↪AI ↪MachineLearning
09/21/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Math
09/20/2021 ↪Mathematics ↪NumericalAnalysis
09/20/2021 ↪AI ↪MachineLearning
Example of one feature (x1)
09/20/2021 ↪AI ↪MachineLearning
09/20/2021 ↪AI ↪MachineLearning
09/19/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Heap
09/19/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪SequentialSearch
09/19/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Math
문제 설명
09/19/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Implementation ↪Greedy ↪String
문제 설명
09/19/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪SequentialSearch ↪Greedy
문제 설명
09/18/2021 ↪AI ↪Optimization
09/18/2021 ↪AI ↪Optimization
09/17/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪DFSBFS
09/17/2021 ↪AI ↪Search
09/15/2021 ↪Mathematics ↪NumericalAnalysis
09/15/2021 ↪Android
09/15/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪SequentialSearch ↪Stack
☑반복 ☑스택 ☑순차 탐색
09/15/2021 ↪AI ↪Search
09/14/2021 ↪Mathematics ↪NumericalAnalysis ↪Matlab
09/14/2021 ↪Mathematics ↪NumericalAnalysis ↪Matlab
09/13/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪DynamicProgramming
문제 설명
09/13/2021 ↪AI ↪MachineLearning
사이킷런 API
09/12/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Implementation
☑Matrix ☑Rotation
09/12/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪DynamicProgramming
문제 설명
09/11/2021 ↪AI ↪Search
09/08/2021 ↪Mathematics ↪NumericalAnalysis
☑Set ☑Vector/Matrix ☑Linearity ☑Calculus
09/08/2021 ↪AI ↪Search
09/07/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Bruteforce
☑Combinations ☑Counter
09/07/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Implementation
☑Counter ☑Set
09/07/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪DynamicProgramming
문제 설명
09/06/2021 ↪GitGithub ↪Github
깃허브 페이지 커스터마이징에 관한 링크들
09/06/2021 ↪GitGithub ↪Git
09/05/2021 ↪GitGithub ↪Github
09/05/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Implementation ↪Bruteforce
거리두기 확인하기
09/05/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪DynamicProgramming
쉬운 계단 수
09/04/2021 ↪Language ↪Python
☑정규표현식 ☑re
이 포스팅은 다음 내용들에 대해 다룹니다.
09/04/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Bruteforce
모음 사전
09/04/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Stack
☑Permutations ☑re
[카카오 인턴] 수식 최대화
09/03/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪DynamicProgramming
가장 긴 증가하는 부분 수열
09/02/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Implementation ↪String
09/02/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪DynamicProgramming
계단 오르기
09/02/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪DynamicProgramming
포도주 시식
09/02/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪DynamicProgramming
1로 만들기
09/02/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪DynamicProgramming
쉬운 계단 수
08/29/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Queue
08/29/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪HashMap
전화번호 목록
08/29/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪DynamicProgramming
08/28/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Backtracking
스타트와 링크
08/28/2021 ↪TFLite
양자화 인식 학습
08/28/2021 ↪AI ↪ComputerVision
계산 및 디스크 용량 최적화
08/28/2021 ↪AI ↪ComputerVision
VAE와 GAN으로 더 크고 현실적인 데이터셋 생성
08/27/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪DFSBFS
게임 맵 최단거리
08/27/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Backtracking
연산자 끼워넣기
08/26/2021 ↪Android
08/26/2021 ↪AI ↪TFLite
08/26/2021 ↪AI ↪ComputerVision
08/25/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Backtracking ↪DynamicProgramming
08/24/2021 ↪Android
08/23/2021 ↪Android
08/23/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Implementation ↪HashMap
☑Combinations ☑Counter
08/23/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Backtracking
08/23/2021 ↪TFLite
08/23/2021 ↪AI ↪ComputerVision
08/22/2021 ↪Language ↪Python
파이썬 순열, 조합, 중복순열, 중복조합
08/22/2021 ↪Android
08/22/2021 ↪TFLite
08/22/2021 ↪AI ↪ComputerVision
08/21/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Queue
다리를 지나는 트럭
08/21/2021 ↪AI ↪RecommendationSystem
08/21/2021 ↪AI ↪ComputerVision
08/20/2021 ↪Android
08/20/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Sorting ↪SequentialSearch
08/19/2021 ↪Android
08/19/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Stack ↪Greedy
큰 수 만들기
08/19/2021 ↪TFLite
08/19/2021 ↪AI ↪ComputerVision
08/18/2021 ↪TFLite
08/18/2021 ↪AI ↪ComputerVision
08/17/2021 ↪Language ↪Python
리스트 복사하기
08/17/2021 ↪Android
08/17/2021 ↪AI ↪ComputerVision
08/16/2021 ↪Language ↪Python
파이썬 정렬하기
08/16/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Sorting ↪Implementation
가장 큰 수
08/16/2021 ↪TFLite
08/15/2021 ↪Android
08/15/2021 ↪TFLite
08/15/2021 ↪TFLite
08/15/2021 ↪TFLite
08/14/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Implementation ↪Math ↪Bruteforce
☑Permutations ☑Set ☑Prime
소수 찾기
08/13/2021 ↪Android
08/13/2021 ↪AI ↪ComputerVision
08/12/2021 ↪Android
08/12/2021 ↪AI ↪ComputerVision
08/12/2021 ↪AI ↪ComputerVision
08/12/2021 ↪AI ↪ComputerVision
08/11/2021 ↪Android
08/11/2021 ↪AI ↪ComputerVision
08/10/2021 ↪Android
08/10/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪HashMap
☑Combinations ☑Bisection
순위 검색
08/10/2021 ↪TFLite
08/10/2021 ↪AI ↪ComputerVision
08/09/2021 ↪Android
08/09/2021 ↪Android
08/09/2021 ↪TFLite
텐서플로 허브
08/09/2021 ↪TFLite
전이 학습
08/09/2021 ↪AI ↪ComputerVision
08/08/2021 ↪TFLite
08/07/2021 ↪Android
08/07/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪DynamicProgramming
☑reduce ☑chain
삼각 달팽이
08/07/2021 ↪TFLite
모델 직접 개발
08/07/2021 ↪TFLite
08/07/2021 ↪AI ↪ComputerVision
합성곱 신경망 CNN
08/06/2021 ↪Android
08/06/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Implementation ↪Math
영어 끝말잇기
08/06/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Queue ↪TwoPointer ↪Greedy
08/06/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Math
소인수 분해
08/06/2021 ↪TFLite
08/06/2021 ↪AI ↪ComputerVision
08/05/2021 ↪Android
08/05/2021 ↪Android
08/05/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Math
☑에라토스테네스의 체
소수 찾기
08/05/2021 ↪AI ↪ComputerVision
08/04/2021 ↪AI ↪ComputerVision
08/03/2021 ↪Android
08/03/2021 ↪Android
08/03/2021 ↪AI ↪MachineLearning
파이썬 머신러닝 완벽가이드
08/03/2021 ↪AI ↪ComputerVision
신경망 훈련시키기
08/02/2021 ↪Android
08/02/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Stack ↪SequentialSearch
주식 가격
08/02/2021 ↪TFLite
본 포스팅은 2021/08/02 를 기준으로 작성되었습니다.
08/02/2021 ↪TFLite
안드로이드와 텐서플로 라이트 입문
08/02/2021 ↪AI ↪MachineLearning
파이썬 머신러닝 완벽가이드
08/02/2021 ↪AI ↪ComputerVision
뉴런, 계층, 신경망(네트워크)
08/01/2021 ↪GitGithub ↪Git
깃 설치부터 깃허브 푸쉬까지
08/01/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪DynamicProgramming
부녀회장이 될테야
08/01/2021 ↪AI ↪ComputerVision
07/31/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Implementation
07/30/2021 ↪Android
07/30/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Graph ↪ShortestPath
07/30/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Implementation ↪String
크로아티아 알파벳
07/30/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Implementation ↪String
그룹 단어 체커
07/29/2021 ↪Web ↪CSS
07/29/2021 ↪Android
07/29/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Implementation ↪Bruteforce ↪Math
07/29/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Implementation ↪Greedy
07/29/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪HashMap
07/28/2021 ↪Web ↪CSS
07/28/2021 ↪Web ↪CSS
07/28/2021 ↪Android
07/28/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪String
아스키 코드
07/28/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪String
단어 공부
07/27/2021 ↪Android
07/27/2021 ↪Android
07/27/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Implementation ↪Stack
괄호 변환
07/27/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Implementation ↪Math
셀프 넘버
07/27/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Math
최소, 최대
07/27/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Implementation
07/26/2021 ↪Web ↪CSS
07/26/2021 ↪Kotlin
07/26/2021 ↪Kotlin
07/26/2021 ↪Kotlin
07/26/2021 ↪Android
07/26/2021 ↪Android
07/26/2021 ↪Android
07/26/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Implementation ↪String
OX 퀴즈
07/26/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Math
평균은 넘겠지
07/26/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Math
07/26/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Implementation
07/26/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Math
최소, 최대
07/26/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Implementation ↪Math
07/26/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Math
최소, 최대
07/25/2021 ↪Web ↪CSS
07/25/2021 ↪Web ↪CSS
07/25/2021 ↪Web ↪CSS
07/25/2021 ↪Kotlin
07/25/2021 ↪Android
07/24/2021 ↪Web ↪HTML
4-6. 하이퍼 링크 삽입하기
07/24/2021 ↪Kotlin
07/24/2021 ↪Kotlin
07/24/2021 ↪Android
07/24/2021 ↪Android
07/23/2021 ↪Web ↪HTML
4-5. 오디오와 비디오 삽입하기
07/23/2021 ↪Web ↪HTML
4-4. 이미지 삽입하기
07/23/2021 ↪Web ↪HTML
4-3. 표 만들기
07/23/2021 ↪Kotlin
07/23/2021 ↪Kotlin
배열과 컬렉션
07/23/2021 ↪Android
07/23/2021 ↪Android
배열과 컬렉션
07/22/2021 ↪Web ↪HTML
4-2. 목록 만들기
07/22/2021 ↪Web ↪HTML
4-1. 텍스트 입력하기
07/22/2021 ↪Kotlin
07/22/2021 ↪Android
07/22/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Math
점프와 순간 이동
07/22/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Implementation ↪String
이진 변환 반복하기
07/22/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Implementation
[1차] 프렌즈4블록
07/22/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪SequentialSearch ↪Queue
[1차] 캐시
07/22/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Implementation ↪Math
2개 이하로 다른 비트
07/21/2021 ↪Web ↪HTML
3. HTML 기본 문서 만들기
07/21/2021 ↪Kotlin
07/21/2021 ↪Kotlin
코딩 준비하기
07/21/2021 ↪Android
3. 코틀린 기본 문법
07/21/2021 ↪Android
07/21/2021 ↪Android
코딩 준비하기
07/19/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪DivideConquer
쿼드 압축 후 개수 세기
07/19/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Implementation
쿼드 압축 후 개수 세기
07/19/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Bruteforce ↪DynamicProgramming
가장 큰 정사각형 찾기
07/17/2021 ↪Android
앱 만들고 실행하기
07/16/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Implementation ↪HashMap
[3차] 압축
07/16/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Implementation
[3차] 방금그곡
07/11/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Math
행렬의 곱셈
07/11/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪DynamicProgramming
피보나치 수
07/11/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Math
최솟값 만들기
07/11/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪TwoPointer
숫자의 표현
07/11/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Implementation ↪Math
[3차] n진수 게임
07/11/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Math
N개의 최소공배수
07/11/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪String
JadenCase 문자열 만들기
07/10/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Stack ↪SequentialSearch
올바른 괄호
07/10/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Implementation ↪String
[3차] 파일명 정렬
07/09/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪DynamicProgramming
07/09/2021 ↪Algorithm ↪Implementation ↪Math
다음 큰 숫자
07/08/2021 ↪Android
스마트폰 설정 및 연결하기
07/08/2021 ↪Android
2. 개발 도구 설치 및 소개
07/07/2021 ↪Web ↪HTML
2. 웹 개발 환경 만들기
07/07/2021 ↪Web ↪HTML
1. 웹 개발 시작하기
07/07/2021 ↪GitGithub ↪Github
깃허브 페이지에 이미지 올리는 법
07/07/2021 ↪Android
1. 코틀린 안드로이드 이해하기
블로그 포스팅 연습